Dissertation Writing Tips
Apart from being bulky in size, dissertations are challenging because they involve much research, data analysis, and interpretation. May be your supervisor is inaccessible to offer you guidance or you don’t seem to understand what he or she is telling you. Anyone writing a dissertation requires and deserves a guiding hand. Fortunately, we offer credible and realistic dissertation writing tips aimed at easing the process. This article gives guidelines for those writing their own dissertations. However, we also assist any scholar who may not be able to write their own dissertation for any reason, by providing outstanding dissertation writing services.
Dissertation Writing Tip 1
Laying a good foundation is fundamental in confronting this enormous task of writing your dissertation. Identify all that is to be done, the time available, and funds to be allocated for the project. Put all the above in a schedule that will allow optimal utilization of available resources. This will enable you to set expectations for each task and give time limits for the same in terms of time and expenditure. It is also important to put measures in place that ensure the plan is followed since some of the tasks are interdependent and play supporting roles.
Dissertation Writing Tip 2
A dissertation is meant to integrate skills and knowledge acquired over the entire course. Understand that there are different aspects being tested and you need to score highly in each. For example, in general a dissertation tests the ability to:
- Identify a research gap
- Formulate valid research questions or hypotheses
- Review other peoples work and synthesize literature
- Form a valid research methodology and support why you choose the specific methods
- Analyze data
- Relate your findings to the reviewed literature
- Identify the problem from the findings and give solutions/recommendations
- Communicate effectively and in accordance with the required writing style
- Present your work in a neat and coherent way
Therefore each section of a dissertation should be a perfect and coherent. Design a title page that is attractive and in accordance with the school’s requirement.
Dissertation Writing Tip 3
An abstract is a brief summary of the whole dissertation. A reader will use the abstract to determine whether your dissertation is worth his or her time. The abstract is followed by table of contents which is a numbered list of proceeding sections and sub-sections in the dissertation.
Dissertation Writing Tip 4
The dissertation introduction presents the background of the topic, the problem statement, the rationale of the research, and the research questions or hypothesis. The literature review should inform a reader about the topic as well as the genesis of the problem. From this, a reader gets to know what contribution has been made to solving your problem by past projects and their weaknesses. Comprehensive and in detail studies are obligatory here and should be based on formal and current sources.
Dissertation Writing Tip 5
The research methodology is simply a clear and straightforward account of the steps you took in designing and carrying out your research. This is one of the most important chapters, and it’s always advisable to credit the methods selected.
Dissertation Writing Tip 6
The results and discussions part indicates the outcomes of your data analysis. Make sure you are consistent and accurate in the outcomes since you base your discussion on them. Most institutions require that you relate your results to the literature review and explain whether the results match the expectations, if not, give reasons. Then you draw your inferences, usually by restating the objectives of your research. Based on this you then offer your recommendations in terms of application of the results, and any further research necessary to enable practical application of your findings. In preparing your references or bibliography ensure you confirm the latest changes in the referencing style recommended by your institution. The appendices should contain the data collection instruments used, proof of consent to collect data from respective organizations, IRB approval form if you were dealing with human respondents etc.
Dissertation Writing Tip 7
It is advisable to go through your manuscript several times correcting grammar, syntax, and structural errors and ensuring smooth flow of ideas. Proofreading own work is challenging to most people so you can get help from a trusted friend, but the best way is to get a professional editor to proofread your dissertation.
Contact us now for any queries regarding your dissertation and we will guide you to successful completion.